Performer Billet Accommodation
In order to keep accommodation costs for performers to a minimum the Festival utilises home stay billets provided by the local community.
It’s a great way to help the festival, meet interesting performers and to get some free Season Passes and complimentary vouchers to use at the festival!
We expect you to provide a simple continental breakfast for them.
In return you will receive 2 Season Passes.
Most artists will arrive on Thursday 18 January or Friday 19 January and depart Monday 22 January 2024.
If you are interested in providing performer billet accommodation from Stanwell Park to Figtree then contact Suzi Wakefield tel: 4267 1039, 0411 515 780 billets@illawarrafolkfestival.
Here’s some of the feedback about the experience:
What a pleasure to meet such interesting people. I not only enjoyed having Ann and Chris stay, I had a great time at the festival. Great work. Please pass on my congratulations to all involved. I would love to welcome someone else next year, so keep me in mind.
Cheers Rhonda previous Billet Provider
I agree, best festival to date, I reckon. Our billets (Graham Moore and his partner, Val – UK) were just delightful.
The billet arrangement was perfect from our end and I did appreciate the direct communication with the billets. It made it much easier to check dietary preferences, bedding arrangements, etc.
Thanks again for the black diamonds (used in liquid form in our case), they were unexpected but very much appreciated!
Rest up now after all your hard work. Congratulations to you and all of the other volunteers. I do believe that the support infrastructure this year was incredible. I don’t know what it was like on that side of the workload, but from a festival attendee – everything seemed to run like clockwork. Anyone with complaints would have to be extremely fussy.
Thanks again. Look forward to communicating with you later in the year. We intend to billet again.
Kindest Regards, Gizella and family, previous Billet Provider
Hi there
From the accommodation point of view we were very happy staying with Cecilie Yates once more, as we are now firm friends with her and her family. We now make sure we have some time to spend with Cecilie, just to chat and catch up! Although she was heading off to Cairns on the Saturday, she trusted us to stay at her house on our own for the rest of the weekend. Many thanks again for a great festival!!
Cheers, Baz Cooper, Festival Performer