Join the Illawarra Folk Festival Green Folk team
and help make the festival waste free!
Click here for the Application Form
If you are passionate about music and even more passionate about saving our planet come and join the Illawarra Folk Festival’s Green Folk! Last festival we achieved close to 80% diversion from landfill and this year we want to improve on that but the Illawarra Folk Festival NEEDS YOU to help us do it.
As part of the Green Folk team your duties will be:
- Spread the NO WASTE message around the festival
- Place signage around the festival
- Collect and replace the bins using our Green Folk vehicle
- Monitor waste input and output to ensure contamination is kept to a minimum.
- Get green and dirty sometimes!
- Provide 12 hours or more of your time between Thursday and Monday morning of the festival.
As part of the Green Folk team (provide 12 hours of volunteering) you will receive:
- A special issue Illawarra Folk Festival Green Folk T-Shirt
- A Season Pass to the Festival
- Light refreshments from the Volunteer Kitchen during the setup time (on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday daytime and Monday)
- Invitations to pre and post festival concerts
- Ability to purchase Illawarra Folk Club CDs at 50% discount from the Festival Shop
- Learn new skills
- Volunteering reference if requested
- The satisfaction of being involved in the success of one of Australia’s largest volunteer organised folk festival.
If you want to volunteer for a day (4 hours volunteering) you will receive:
- A Day Pass (on the day of your volunteering) to the Festival
- Invitations to pre and post festival concerts
The Illawarra Folk Festival is committed to minimising waste and its impact on the environment including the recycling of plastics, glass and cupboard. Our aim is to send no waste to landfill.
This is a big task and requires attendees, campers, volunteers, stallholders and performers to work together.
There are 3 waste streams at the Festival. Each waste stream has an individual collection bin and is identified by the colour of the bin lid and signage.
More information