Production Team Information

2023 Running Sheets word document

Safety Induction Link

Production Team Contact Details

Ben Davies – Sound Operators & Backline – – 0434 246 064

Kay Proudlove – co-Artistic Director – – 0424 160 731

David De Santi – – 0409571788

Stephen O’Keeffe – – 0439 461 844

Shift Managers (to solve problems Production Team can’t) – 0499 611 443

Security – via Graeme Morrison – 0412 358 333


  • Clock
  • Venue Running Sheets in Folder
  • Artist Contact Sheet
  • Emergency Procedures
  • MC/Venue Managers Manual

Production Manager Tasks

  • Walk the site and check the program is happening!
  • Roving around the venues talking to sound folk / venue managers / MCs to check everything is OK
  • Check Venue Boxes are intact. Ensure MCs / Venue Managers know it exists and its contents!
  • Liaising with Instrument Lockup if required to assist artists to get load-in to venues. Main contact there is Sue Brobham
  • Liaise with Kay Proudlove, Artist Registration, if there is issue with artist not turning up.
  • Assist on stages if required – check with Sound / Venue Managers
  • Solving any artist / program issues with assistance from David De Santi
  • Checking backstages are kept up with water, aisles are clear, lighting is OK, gear is stored safely, signage
  • Major issues not related to Artist/Staging should be referred to Shift Manager
  • Be familiar with Emergency Procedures
  • Ensure stages and gear in safe condition, stairs are OK
  • Check sponsor signage intact
  • Check decorations intact
  • Check water is available to artists at stages
  • Ensure backline equipment is in place for artists who have requested it